
This plugin creates a button to scroll smoothly to the top of the page.


There are two ways to translate the button text:

  1. Enter the translations in the field "Text" in the following manner: language-tag>>button-text, for example
    en-GB>>Top of page

    (one language per row)
  2. Enter a key in the field "Text" and put your translation in the language files located in /administrator/language/. For english edit the file /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_J2top.ini etc. If the file doesnt exist just create it and name it xx-XX.plg_system_J2top.ini where xx-XX is the language tag for the desired language.

Support is available in our forums: http://www.freakedout.de/forum/J2Top.html

If you like this plugin we would appreciate a review in the Joomla extensions directory.

TOP OF PAGE=Top of page